C19 Dr Wolfgang Wodarg: malignant crisis driven by misinformation

 A malignant crisis that is entirely driven by misinformation: Stefan Noordhoek en Wolfgang Wodarg


The now world-famous Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg – who has decades of experience with viruses, epidemics and their consequences – presents his vision on the Corona ‘Crisis’. A malignant crisis that is entirely driven by misinformation and panic. On the one hand, a ‘Corona test’ that detects old coronaviruses that have been circulating among people for a long time. Performed in ever-increasing numbers these by definition result in ever-increasing numbers of positive tests – alarming labeled ‘cases’. A flu wave that in the medical world and the media only consists of ‘Corona’ and where all other respiratory viruses that also participate suddenly disappear from the picture. A worldwide total number of flu victims that is completely in line with other years. And on the other hand, a ‘disease’ COVID-19 that has no specific symptoms but is mainly caused by panic. Panic that has caused problems for hospitals and healthcare providers in various parts of the world, not because of ’the disease itself’, but because of other diverse circumstances, including population structure, health, quality and capacity vs. care and the often fatal (ICU/breathing) treatment. Dr. Wodarg is reassuring for anyone concerned about ’the virus’. That danger is no greater than in any other flu season (now also based on tens of international leading scientists analyzing actual figures from all over the world). Wodarg’s message is disturbing when you wonder how the whole world can be fooled by such a clearly fact-free ‘panic’ allowing itself to be led to the curtailment of the most fundamental freedoms. A world that thinks it has to prepare itself for a ‘new normal’. In which incredibly dangerous and extremely undesirable ’solutions’ such as ‘mass vaccination’, ‘contact tracing’, and other ‘surveillance’ are seen as attractive. Wodarg warns for a new wave of cleverly induced panic and thousands of unnecessary deaths as the ‘COVID-19′ (Hydroxy) Chloroquine treatments that are now being prepared in hundreds of trials by the WHO will soon be carried out in Africa. 10-20% of the male population of former Malaria areas have ‘favism’, Glucose-6-phosphate-dehydrogenase deficiency (G6PD). For this large group of people, treatment with (Hydroxy) Chloroquine is often fatal. Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg urges everyone to address their own, local, people’s representatives. And to appeal to their sense of responsibility. To inform themselves. And to ensure that the worldwide madness about this lied crisis and the incredibly dangerous ‘solutions’ are turned around immediately. Med. Wolfgang Wodarg, born in 1947, is an Internist and Pulmonologist, specialist for Hygiene and Environmental Medicine as well as for Public Health and Social Medicine. After his clinical activity as an Internist, he was, among other things, Public Health Officer in Schleswig-Holstein for 13 years, lecturer at universities and universities of applied sciences and Chairman of the Expert Committee for Health-related Environmental Protection at the Schleswig-Holstein Medical Association; in 1991 he received a DAAD Scholarship to Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA (epidemiology). As a member of the German Bundestag from 1994 to 2009, he was initiator and speaker in the Enquête Commission “Ethics and Law of Modern Medicine”, member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, where he was chairman of the Subcommittee on Health and deputy chairman of the Committee on Culture, Education and Science. In 2009, he initiated the Committee of Inquiry into WHO’s role in H1N1 (‘Swine flu’) in Strasbourg, where he remained as a scientific expert after leaving Parliament. Since 2011 he has been working as a freelance university lecturer, doctor and health scientist and was a volunteer member of the board and head of the Health Working Group at Transparency International Germany until 2020.